June 28, 2024
Minister Catherine Martin must intervene to support independent musical festivals – Pearse Doherty TD

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Finance, Pearse Doherty TD, has today written to the Minister for Tourism, Culture, and Arts, Catherine Martin, to urgently meet with, and to provide support to, the struggling independent music festival sector.

Deputy Doherty also raised the issue with Tánaiste Micheál Martin in the Dáil yesterday, and highlighted how at least nine established independent music festivals have been postponed or cancelled this year.

He added that such festivals are the lifeblood of many Irish music acts, in particular young artists and groups looking to make a breakthrough, as well as being vital to local economies during the summer period.

Teachta Doherty said:

“As Ireland this weekend is engulfed by Swift mania, with Swifties from all over the country and beyond descending on Dublin, you would be forgiven for thinking that the music festival scene in Ireland is booming. Nothing could be further from the truth.

“In the past year, at least nine established independent music festivals have been postponed or cancelled. Many more are on their knees.

“As director and chairperson of a not-for-profit music festival which will be held in Gweedore again this year in two weeks’ time, I have seen at first hand how important the festival circuit is for Irish acts, who could only dream of the support of the likes of a Taylor Swift or a Pink.

“Put simply, these festivals are the lifeblood of many Irish music acts, in particular young artists and groups looking to make a breakthrough.

“It’s not just the acts either. The success of these festivals are vital to local economies, and provide employment to a whole range of people; from food vendors to sound engineers.

“Today I have written to Minister Catherine Martin to convey that she must urgently meet with, and provide support to, the independent music festival sector.

“Without intervention and support from the minister, it is inevitable that more music festivals will be forced to close next year.”

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