Sinn Féin spokesperson on Health David Cullinane TD has called on Minister Donnelly to ensure that Government and the HSE engage immediately and meaningfully with healthcare trade unions, following the Labour Court recommendation on Covid compensation claims.
Teachta Cullinane said:
“Healthcare workers have made extraordinary sacrifices doing trojan work keeping the health system running during the pandemic.
“Their job was made more difficult by poor infrastructure and a lack of investment over many years, and they dealt with a cyberattack in the middle of this.
“In the Executive, Sinn Féin supported healthcare workers and we saw them receive a pandemic bonus.
“The Government in this State has not been proactive and has not engaged meaningfully with healthcare trade unions.
“Delay on this matter is disrespectful and does not make healthcare workers feel appreciated or valued. They deserve more than a clap.
“The Minister, the Government, and the HSE must engage immediately and meaningfully with healthcare trade unions on Covid compensation, with a swift resolution.”

September 22, 2021
Minister and HSE must urgently engage with healthcare trade unions on Covid compensation – David Cullinane TD