October 8, 2019
Michelle O’Neill to call on senior EU officials to hold firm on Irish interests

Sinn Féin Leas Uachtarán Michelle O’Neill will meet senior EU officials in Brussels tomorrow to call on them to remain firm to protect the north’s economy from the catastrophic impacts of Brexit. 

Michelle O’Neill said:

“Today I led a Sinn Féin delegation which met with business representatives across retail, manufacturing, communications, hospitality and the food and drink industry and others concerned with the disastrous impact of Brexit on our economy. 

“The consistent message from all of the meetings is that the consequences of Brexit will be dire for the north. 

“They cannot plan for the future and are desperately worried about the prospect of job losses and economic collapse. 

“That is the reality for the economy in the north regardless of what the DUP or any other delusional Brexit cheerleaders may say. 

“This evening I will be travelling to Brussels for a series of meetings with EU diplomats. I will be making it clear to them that they have to remain firm on the need to avoid any hardening of the border, protect the Good Friday Agreement and protect our economy. 

“The north’s economy cannot withstand being excluded from the customs union and the single market and that is the message we will be bringing loud and clear to the EU.” 

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