August 25, 2020
Maskey condemns M1 hoax alert

Sinn Féin MP Paul Maskey has condemned those responsible for a hoax bomb alert at the M1 Kennedy Way roundabout.

The West Belfast MP said:

“A security alert took place into the early hours of this morning at the M1 Kennedy Way roundabout.

“This security alert resulted in the closure of the section of the M1 between Broadway Roundabout and Kennedy Way.

“The M1 is main thoroughfare for travellers and hauliers travelling between Belfast to Dublin and indeed locations right across the island.

“Those responsible for this futile act serve no purpose other than to disrupt the lives of the local community.

“They have no vision, strategy or support.

“I would urge those responsible to get off the backs of the local community of West Belfast and allow our community to move forward in peace.”

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