September 9, 2021
Maskey calls on Police Ombudsman’s Office to publish reports following protest

Sinn Féin MP Paul Maskey has called on the Police Ombudsman’s Office to immediately publish outstanding reports into legacy cases.

The West Belfast MP said:

“Victims and their families have held a protest outside the Police Ombudsman’s Office in Belfast City Centre calling for the immediate publication of legacy reports, some of which have now been completed for over three years.

“There is very real and legitimate concern among victims’ families that the Ombudsman’s Office is delaying the publication of reports until the British Government introduces legislation that could indefinitely shut the door on families accessing the truth.

“It is an indictment on both the British government and Ombudsman Office that these families have to continue to take to the streets demanding truth.

“All families bereaved during the conflict have an indistinguishable right to know the truth about the deaths of their loved ones, and it is absolute paramount that the Ombudsman’s office does not act as a barrier to ensuring that this right is fulfilled.”

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