June 22, 2023
Long term plan needed to secure Daisy Hill – Kimmins

Sinn Féin MLA Liz Kimmins has said that new proposals to stabilise Daisy Hill are an improvement but insists there is still much work to be done.

The Newry and Armagh MLA said:

“Today’s proposals are an improvement over previous suggestions from the Trust and will help to stabilise the current crisis at Daisy Hill.

“We’ve met with both the head of the Health Department and the Trust many times in recent weeks pressing them to secure the best possible plan to secure services at the hospital. 

“This crisis has come from the total failure in management by the Trust and while these proposals are a step in the right direction, they have much work to do in order to rebuild the confidence of both hospital staff and the community. 

“They must now demonstrate their commitment to securing the long-term future of Daisy Hill in real actions, not just words. 

“We will meet the head of the Southern trust tomorrow morning and make it clear they need to get to work immediately on stabilising our services and delivering a real, long-term plan for the future of the hospital.”

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