February 15, 2021
Locations for vaccination centres marks progress but detail still lacking – David Cullinane TD

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Health David Cullinane TD has said that detail is lacking from the Minister’s announcement on mass vaccination centres.

The Waterford TD noted that while the announcement of the 37 locations marks progress, questions remain on suitability, access, and staffing.

Teachta Cullinane said:

“The announcement of these mass vaccination centre locations marks progress but many questions remain unanswered.

“We still do not know how many staff will be needed to man these centres, where they will come from, or the impact this will have on the wider health service.

“The key workers group is still lacking refinement, carers are still in the dark, and we have no provisional timelines or estimated deliveries.

“The vaccination centres should be kept under regular review. If there is a need for more, the planning must be done.

“We need to provide access to the vaccine at as local a level as possible, in suitable venues which are accessible by public transport.

“There is no location in Limerick city, and counties with a very wide population spread such as Donegal only have one.

“We need to build on this, and the criteria used in the decision making should be transparent.

“This process and the choice of locations should be explained very clearly.

“Questions remain on supply of vaccine and the Minister must be doing his utmost to ensure that pharmaceutical companies cooperate to maximising supply.

“He cannot abdicate all responsibility to the EU and must take an active role in advocating for the No Profit on Pandemic European Citizens’ Initiative.”

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