April 25, 2024
LGBTQI+ community experiencing decline in overall mental health – Mark Ward TD

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Mental Health, Mark Ward TD, has called for more action in mental health services to assist members of the LGBTQI+ community.
The Dublin Mid-West TD was speaking following the publishing of research by Trinity College Dublin, “Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland”, which highlighted the declining mental health of the LGBTQI+ community.
Teachta Ward said:
“The research published by Trinity College Dublin on the mental health of the LGBTQI+ community highlights the need for better supports.
“It is concerning that the numbers of this community who are reporting self-harm, suicidal ideation or suicide attempts as being attributed to their identity. 58%, 51% and 49% of respondents reported this to be the case, respectively.
“14 years of age was the most common answer for first self-harming and 15 was the most common age for a first suicide attempt.
“Our young people are being failed in mental health crisis. We need inclusive services and we also need to fund our services.
“Jigsaw, for example, has finally reduced their waiting lists for young people aged between 12-25 years. Now, it has been reported that they have received a shortfall of nearly €1 million this year and are turning to staff redundancies as a result.
“Jigsaw provides important mental health care for young people at the primary care level. This reduces the need for the secondary care of CAMHS.
“Sinn Féin has highlighted the need to invest in early intervention, with counselling at primary care level for children under 18 years of age.
“We have also highlighted the need for inclusive services and training for staff.
“Sinn Féin wants to see mental health outcomes for all young people improve and this is particularly the case for young people from minority groups.
“Our services need to react to this research and these issues need to be addressed.”

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