January 26, 2022
Kearney welcomes full completion dates for Potmore Hall resurfacing

Sinn Féin MLA for South Antrim, Declan Kearney, has welcomed confirmation of completion dates for road and footpath resurfacing in the Portmore Hall development in Crumlin, following detailed representations which he made to both the Department for Infrastructure and the Developer.

Declan Kearney said:  

“Local residents raised concerns with me about the poor condition of roads and footpaths in Portmore Hall, Crumlin. Significant problems have existed on this estate for a lengthy period of time in the form of unfinished street and foot path surfacing, potholes, surface flooding, and associated health and safety issues.

“As a result I requested assurances on behalf of residents from the Department for Infrastructure that a commitment and definitive timeframe was in place to deliver full completion of all outstanding resurfacing and repair works by the Developer.

“Department for Infrastructure officials notified me in December that the developer has now committed to completing the majority of work by the end of January, with a full completion of all remaining schemes before the end of February. 

“This is very welcome news for the residents of Portmore Hall who have already had to wait far too long. I am pleased to note that the outstanding resurfacing works have begun and are already beginning to improve the condition of the roads and footpaths on the development.

“The Department has informed me it will closely monitor the progress of all the outstanding works, and intervene if necessary. I will also continue to keep this situation under review until all relevant issues are satisfactorily resolved.” 

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