Sinn Féin’s Declan Kearney has said news that the Hightown incinerator is now expected go back to the Department for Infrastructure for reconsideration following a High Court ruling today is disappointing.
The South Antrim MLA said:
“News that the Hightown incinerator is now expected to be reconsidered by the Department for Infrastructure following a High Court ruling today is disappointing and will come as a shock to local residents who continue to live with the uncertainty of this incinerator emerging in the immediate vicinity of their homes and local countryside.
“There remains overwhelming opposition to the Hightown incinerator among residents in the Hightown and Mallusk area. They have continually expressed concerns about the serious repercussions which would flow from this particular proposal if approved, including for their health and wellbeing.
“These well-founded fears extend to the negative consequences for the natural habitat and ecosystem of the surrounding countryside.
“I will be seeking a meeting with senior officials at the Department for Infrastructure to pursue clarification on their position following this latest court ruling.
“Local residents can be reassured that Sinn Féin will continue to stand four-square behind the community in their opposition to the Hightown incinerator.”

May 31, 2023
Kearney seeking meeting with Department for Infrastructure following Hightown incinerator court ruling