September 29, 2020
Kearney reaffirms need to protect Good Friday Agreement with US Special Envoy

Sinn Féin MLA and Minister in the Executive Office Declan Kearney has said the Good Friday Agreement must be protected and the Irish Protocol fully implemented. 

Speaking after meeting US Special Envoy Mick Mulvaney, the Sinn Féin National Chairperson and South Antrim MLA said: 

“Today I met with US Special Envoy Mick Mulvaney, I took the time to speak to him about the major challenges posed by Brexit. 

“I told the Special Envoy that it is very uncertain whether there will be a successful negotiation on the Withdrawal Agreement concluded, given that the British negotiations strategy is being ideologically driven by a core within the British cabinet, which is not even fully representative of opinion in the Tory party itself.

“I also briefed him on the serious concerns raised during the Joint Committee meeting yesterday between the European Commission and British government, by Michel Barnier Chief Negotiator for the EC, and the Vice President Maros Sefcovic.

“It is clear that the British government is trying to renege on what has already been negotiated, with serious implications for our all-island economy, the Good Friday Agreement and the decades of progress which has resulted from it. 

“Irish America and American political leaders have played a crucial role in securing the Good Friday Agreement and supporting the peace process.  

“The US Congress has previously made it clear that they will not support any post-Brexit trade deal if the Good Friday Agreement is undermined. 

“The European Commission; has also been clear that any attempt to override the Withdrawal Agreement or Irish Protocol by the British government would be a clear breach of what has been agreed and could lead to legal action. 

“The Withdrawal Agreement is an international agreement; it must be maintained and protected in order to protect our economy and our peace agreements. 

“The British government should show good faith, address the outstanding issues and uphold what has already been negotiated and agreed through the Irish Protocol. The British government should honour its international obligations.”

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