Sinn Fein TD Kathleen Funchion TD has congratulated students who received their junior cert results.
Teachta Funchion said:
“I wish to congratulate all students who received their Junior Certificate results this morning.
“I know some will be delighted, and some will be more disappointed than others, but they must take the positives from results, and not get too caught up in the negativities.
“It is regrettable that results were received 3 weeks later than expected and the Dept of Education must act to ensure this doesn’t happen again.
“It undermines the seriousness of state examinations and is unfair to all affected.
“Many students put a lot of time and effort into their state exams, and that must be respected.
“I encourage any of those celebrating their results to stay safe and enjoy their day.”

October 4, 2019
Kathleen Funchion TD congratulates Junior Cert students on their results