January 15, 2020
Johnson legacy remarks ludicrous and unacceptable – Molloy

Sinn Féin MP Francie Molloy has said the latest comments from the British prime minister on dealing with the legacy of the past are ludicrous and unacceptable. 

The Mid Ulster MP said: 

“It is ludicrous for the British Prime Minister to suggest that the British Crown Prosecution Service is pursuing unfair or vexatious prosecutions against former British soldiers.

“British soldiers who committed crimes in Ireland, including the murders of Irish children, cannot be above the law.

“The families of the victims of British soldiers have waited up to 50 years for truth and justice.

“That is wrong and unacceptable. 

“The British government needs to end its foot-dragging and stalling and implement the mechanisms it agreed in 2014 in the Stormont House Agreement in a human rights compliant manner  to deal with the legacy of the past.”

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