March 31, 2020
Health and Safety Executive must be proactive – Gildernew

Sinn Féin MLA and Assembly Health Committee Chair Colm Gildernew has raised concerns following comments made by the Health and Safety Executive that they will not conduct safety checks on any work places.

Speaking on the issue, Gildernew said:

“Comments made by the Health and Safety Executive that they have not and will not be conducting any workplace checks are extremely concerning.

“We have received numerous reports already of the safety of workers being neglected by employers with no social distancing and other protective measures against COVID19 being implemented.

“Any employer that does not make arrangements to protect workers must be held to account.

“It is my firm view that during this public health emergency, the Health and Safety Executive must be proactive to protect and promote the health and well-being of workers and their families.

“The health and safety of workers and their families is paramount – health must be prioritised above all else.

“I will be raising this issue with the Department for Economy and the Health and Safety Executive as a matter of urgency.”

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