October 29, 2020
Hazzard pushes British Government on EU Benefits for northern citizens

Sinn Féin MP Chris Hazzard has today pushed the British Government to ensure citizens living in the north of Ireland will continue to enjoy EU benefits such as the EU Health Insurance Card, Horizon 2020, and Erasmus+ programmes. 

The South Down MP was meeting with the British Government’s Michael Gove MP, who provided an update on ongoing Brexit negotiations and the work of the Joint Committee. 

Mr Hazzard said:

“Sinn Féin have been clear since the Brexit referendum in 2016 that the protection of full and equal access to EU benefits, such as the EU Health Insurance Card, Horizon 2020 research funding and Erasmus+ programmes, are vital in protecting the rights of Irish citizens living in the north of Ireland. 

“I reiterated the importance of this issue to Michael Gove today, and pushed him to ensure that the British Government recognise their responsibility in proactively contributing to EU programmes in order to protect the rights of Irish citizens living in the north of Ireland. 

“Whilst I welcome the fact that Michael Gove was receptive to this ask today, and indeed confirmed that work is ongoing in this regard; it will be vitally important that the Irish Government remain vigilant and committed to ensure these promises are fulfilled by the British Government in the weeks ahead.” 

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