June 28, 2024
Government’s ‘zero tolerance approach’ to violence against women rings hollow – Mary Lou McDonald TD

Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD has said that two years on from the launch of the government’s Zero Tolerance Strategy, women and girls continued to be failed by the state.

Teachta McDonald said:

“Two years ago today, government published their third Zero Tolerance Strategy to end violence against women and girls. This was talked up by the Justice Minister at the time as being a watershed moment for women’s safety in this state.

“However, it is abundantly clear that women and girls continue to be failed by this state when it comes to their safety. Women do not feel safe and very often they are not safe. 

“Far from a zero tolerance approach, it is clear that a culture persists in our society that perpetrates, facilitates and normalises violence against women.

“Yesterday, Dublin Rape Crisis reported receiving the highest number of calls to their helpline in the centre’s 45 year history. This came just days after Women’s Aid revealed they received more than 40,000 reports of abuse of women and children last year, amounting to the highest number in their organisation’s 50 year history.

“People across Ireland are reeling at the shocking experience of Natasha O’Brien, who has bravely exposed how the man who committed a brutal and vicious assault against her received only a suspended sentence.

“Government’s claims to support a zero tolerance approach to violence against women ring hollow given the prevalence of this issue throughout women’s lives. Women will rightly wonder how much positive change has really been achieved in the two years since the government’s Zero Tolerance Strategy was announced to much fan fare. 

“It is time for a genuinely zero tolerance approach. Not as a slogan, or a glossy government announcement, but as a real change in our society that ensures women and girls can feel safe and be safe.

“Nine counties still do not have a domestic violence refuge; Carlow, Cavan, Laois, Leitrim, Longford, Monaghan, Offaly, Roscommon and Sligo. Where counties do have refuges, staff too often are faced with the heartbreaking task of having to turn away survivors because they simply don’t have the number of beds they need.

“Sinn Féin supported the implementation of much of the O’Malley Review, as an opportunity to deliver meaningful change for victims. However, because government failed to put in place the required resources, the Gardaí, DPP and the courts are all now struggling with the weight of the extra cases following the review.

“The appropriate resources must be put in place, so there are sufficient Gardaí and court resources to prosecute cases. Unnecessary delays add to avoidable distress and trauma for victims. We need to look at sentencing decisions and appropriate training for judges. Victims must be able to have confidence in the justice system.

“Women are demanding nothing less than a truly zero tolerance approach. Lip service from the government is not enough, they must follow through with the urgent action that is clearly needed.”

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