April 13, 2021
Governments are not bystanders – they must re-engage with the political process – Kearney

Writing in An Phoblacht to mark the 23rd anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, Sinn Féin’s National Chairperson Declan Kearney MLA, has said the continuing political instability in the north requires the coordinated intervention of both the British and Irish governments.

He said: 

“The Good Friday Agreement’s 23rd anniversary should underline for both the British and Irish governments their joint responsibility as co guarantors for full implementation of the Agreement.

“The strategic lesson of the political process in the north since 2010 is that when the political and peace processes are taken for granted by the two governments, a context is created within which political instability emerges – and political crisis follows.

“The Tory government’s approach to the north has been characterised by negative mismanagement from 2010.

“The consistent bad faith and bad judgement of all Tory administrations during this period on handling issues from legacy to Brexit has been disastrous for the political process, and the Good Friday, and its successor Agreements. 

“Now the process is once again under huge pressure due to the reckless behaviour of, and lack of positive leadership from, the DUP and political unionism. The inflammatory language from senior unionist politicians and disproportionate influence of unionist extremists has once again resulted in violent street protests, at the same time as a ‘chaos plan’ has been brought into the midst of our political institutions by the DUP.

“The Good Friday Agreement is under renewed assault from those who have always rejected power sharing and the DUP is directly responsible.

“Bellicose rhetoric from DUP politicians about refusing to work north/south processes, blocking implementation of key New Decade, New Approach deal commitments, and demanding the resignation of senior police officers is a wrecker’s charter.

“The DUP’s political vandalism towards power sharing and the Good Friday Agreement framework is untenable and must be challenged by all democrats.”

The Junior Minister stated:

“The gravity of the current situation should not be underestimated and the wreckers should not be indulged any longer.

“This Tory government is not a bystander. It needs to become properly involved at the highest level jointly with the Irish government. ‘Flying in and out’ interventions are the opposite of what is needed.

“Unchanged British policy will only fan the flames of political destruction.

“Both governments should immediately reengage the substantial good will of the United States and European Union, and with their support, now double down on delivering full implementation of the GFA’s promise of proper power sharing, equality, parity of esteem, and inclusion.”

Read Declan Kearney’s full blog here: https://www.anphoblacht.com/contents/28077

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