Sinn Fein spokesperson on Agriculture, Food and Marine, Martin Kenny TD, has called on the government to establish an emergency hardship fund for farmers affected by Storm Eowyn.
Teachta Kenny said:
“As the clean-up and restoration of electricity and water services continue in the aftermath of storm Eowyn, farmers are assessing and getting to grips with damage done to their farms. Many farms have had roofs blown off sheds, trees fall on sheds, fences, walls, and farm machinery.
“The damage from this storm is catastrophic and the financial burden on farmers is going to be massive. This is an extremely difficult time for farmers with most livestock being housed at this time of year.
“I am calling on the Department of Agriculture and the Government to establish an emergency hardship fund to aid farmers affected by storm damage. Financial assistance is needed in order to repair farm buildings and other farm structures and machinery.
“Our farming families need to be supported at this time and this government needs to step up to the plate.”