Sinn Fein TD Martin Kenny is calling for the government to direct more resources to repairing electricity power lines and water networks.
Teachta Kenny said:
“We are a week now since storm Éowyn decimated the country’s electricity network as well as causing devastation to homes and businesses. The stand of approach from government is unacceptable.
“People in the North West feel they have been forgotten about, isolated and left to freeze in their homes without any assistance from government.
“One of the biggest issues affecting the restoration of electricity is trees that have fallen on lines and this is mainly from forestry plantations. In many cases its not just that trees in the forest have fallen on the lines but the majority of the plantation has been brought down by the storm.
“These trees need to be cleared in order to get access to the power lines. The government needs to direct more resources in the form of forest harvesters, diggers and more work crews to help clear the trees and allow for ESB workers to repair the lines.
“ESB workers and others on the ground are doing their best but the Government is nowhere to be seen. Government needs to take responsibility and we need to see action, not just sound bites about the national emergency co-ordination group.
“Families are at the end of their tether; government needs to step up and put a financial compensation package together for families affected.”