Sinn Féin spokesperson on Enterprise, Trade, and Employment, Louise O’Reilly TD, has said the government must dedicate itself to negotiating a public-sector pay agreement with the Public Services Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, as a matter of urgency.
Currently, due to failure on the part of the government, public sector workers are outside of a pay agreement, which is “incredibly destabilising for industrial relations”.
Teachta O’Reilly said:
“Public sector pay agreements, agreed through negotiation between the Public Services Committee (PSC) of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) and government, are the best way to ensure stability for the state, and fairness for workers in terms of pay and conditions.
“Despite the best efforts of the PSC to remain agile and available for discussions between Christmas and New Year period, the government did not reciprocate and refused to conclude a deal before the Building Momentum agreement expired.
“Resultantly, public sector workers have been outside of a pay agreement since 1st January.
“This is a total failure of the government, and this is an incredibly destabilising for industrial relations.
“A situation now exists where PSC affiliated unions will meet to formulate an industrial relations strategy, including ballots for industrial action.
“This must be averted and the government must dedicate itself to negotiating a public-sector pay agreement as a matter of urgency.”

January 3, 2024
Government must dedicate itself to negotiating public-sector pay agreement – Louise O’Reilly TD