March 5, 2021
Give renters a break from sky high rents – Senator Fintan Warfield

Sinn Féin Senator Fintan Warfield has urged the government to give renters a break and back his party’s proposals to reduce rents.

A Sinn Féin motion will be debated in the Seanad on Monday which calls for a rescue package to give renters a much-needed break.

He has called for renters to share their stories with him in his online survey, to raise directly with the government on Monday.

Speaking today, Senator Warfield said:

“It is time to give renters a break from sky high rents. 

“Across the State, thousands of workers and families are stuck in a rental trap, and are forced to fork out extortionately high prices every month, for cramped and poor quality housing.

“This is a growing crisis but the government is in denial and refuses to act. Sinn Féin is demanding that this changes and we are calling for immediate change.

“Our motion will do three key things to stand up for renters. 

“Firstly, it will lower rent by putting one month’s rent back into the pockets of renters. This will provide needed relief for workers and families under financial pressure.

“Secondly, it will ensure that rents cannot increase for a period of three years. Too many renters are treated unfairly by landlords hiking up rents year on year. This isn’t fair and it needs to stop urgently.

“Thirdly, it will resource local authorities and approved housing bodies to deliver affordable cost rental homes at a scale; at a cost between €700 and €900 per month. 

“If you have been affected by the housing crisis, I want to hear your story. You can share your experiences with me in our online survey and I will work to raise this directly with the government.

“I am urging all Senators from all parties to back Sinn Féin’s motion and give renters the support they need. The housing crisis has been allowed to spiral out of control for far too long and renters across the State are suffering the consequences of inaction. We need to act now to ensure renters get the break they urgently need.”

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