Sinn Féin MLA Colm Gildernew has pressed Communities Minister Gordon Lyons to produce an Irish Language Strategy.
Speaking after a meeting of the Communities Committee, the Fermanagh and South Tyrone MLA said:
“Today I pressed the Communities Minister to commit to a timeline for the publication of an Irish Language Strategy.
“This strategy, which is long overdue, will enhance the provision of the Irish language within our society.
“The Communities Minister needs to make the development of the strategy a priority and ensure its publication in a timely fashion.
“I also called on the Minister to re-engage with the Irish language sector, including Conradh na Gaelige.
“The Irish language sector has been instrumental in the protection and promotion of the language and should be consulted on an ongoing basis in relation to the development of the Irish language strategy.
“It is extremely disappointing that the Communities Minister could not provide a date as to when he would meet with Conradh or for delivery of the strategy, these are issues I will continue to press him on.”