Pat Buckley
Cork East
Pat Buckley is your local Sinn Féin TD. Born and raised in East Cork, where he continues to live with his wife and two children. His journey into politics was driven by a personal family tragedy through suicide, which led him to become a dedicated mental health rights activist. He has been a key figure in local community initiatives, including his role as PRO for the Let’s Get Together Foundation, a suicide prevention group credited with significantly reducing suicide rates in East Cork.
Pat has consistently focused on mental health, healthcare, and inequality in his time as your TD. He has published legislation and motions on mental health funding, patient rights and road safety. He has been a strong voice for improved mental health services. Recently backing local communities in the successful campaign to save Owenacurra mental health unity. As a member of the Oireachtas Committees on Health and Public Petitions, he contributed to the Sláintecare health reform plan and the Future of Mental Health Care report.
Pat has also been a consistent campaigner for better local water services, demanding a long term solution to boil water notices and new infrastructure to meet local needs.
He has also committed much of his time in the Dáil to promoting and fighting for better local flood defences and sustainable and responsible planning to better address the major challenges faced by flooding in the area of East Cork.
Pat remains committed to tackling local issues, from housing, workers rights and education to disability rights, working to build a fair and united Ireland that prioritizes ordinary people over the rich and powerful.