Former Uachtarán of Sinn Féin Gerry Adams has expressed his solidarity and condolences to the family and colleagues of Fr. Raymond Murray.
Gerry Adams said:
“Over five decades Fr. Murray was a determined defender of human rights and a champion for those who in the dark days of the conflict were being persecuted by the British state. In his many pamphlets and books he exposed the extent of shoot-to-kill, collusion and torture.
“He spoke out in defence of the hooded men and of the women political prisoners in Armagh Women’s Prison where he was chaplain for many years.
“His book, Hard Time – Armagh Jail 1971-86 is a record of his annual reports as prison Chaplain and it exposes the horrendous conditions being inflicted on the women republican political prisoners which he described as constituting “torture, degrading treatment and are contrary to human rights.
“Fr. Raymond was an exceptional human being, compassionate and fearless in defence of human rights. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him. He kept the faith. Go ndeanfaid Dia trocaire ar a n’anam dilse.”