July 1, 2021
Finucane urges people to register to vote

Sinn Féin MP John Finucane has urged people to go online to register to vote as the fresh electoral register opens from 1st July. 

The North Belfast MP said: 

“From 1st July, everyone in the north will be removed from the electoral register by the Electoral Office. 

“The new register is now open, and I would urge people to re-register as soon as possible.  

“This is your chance to ensure your voice is heard on the issues of jobs, housing and tackling waiting lists in the health service.  

“It’s also about the future and being able to choose the type of future you want and to do that you need to be registered.  

“Register today by going to www.gov.uk/register-to-vote – it only takes a couple of minutes.”

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