Fine Gael MEPs must explain EPP rejection of 100% Redress – MEP MacManus
Speaking after the North Mayo Pyrite Meeting in Ballina this week, Sinn Féin MEP Chris MacManus called on Fine Gael MEPs and candidates to explain the position of their political group, the EPP, on 100% redress for families affected by the defective block scandal.
MEP MacManus was part of a large Sinn Féin representation at the meeting that included TD Rose Conway-Walsh and numerous councillors and local election candidates from Mayo and across the wider Northwest region.
Speaking from the Great National Hotel in Ballina, MacManus said:
“The huge numbers we’ve seen in attendance here tonight highlight just how big an issue this is. The families impacted by this scandal deserve justice. We in Sinn Féin have long supported the campaign for 100% redress and will continue to do so. Those standing in the way of 100% redress must explain their position to homeowners.”
“The European Parliament Committee on Petitions recently voted on a report concerning a fact-finding mission of MEPs to the North-West of Ireland last October to meet with families impacted by the defective blocks scandal and other key stakeholders.”
“I was bitterly disappointment that the European Parliament’s Committee on Petitions has voted to omit reference to the need for a 100% redress scheme for families affected by the defective block scandal.”
“The vote should have been a victory for the people of Connacht, Clare and Donegal who are impacted by the defective blocks scandal. Instead, Fine Gael’s EPP colleagues voted to down any calls for a 100% redress to be included in the final report.”
“I am therefore calling on all Fine Gael MEPs and candidates to clarify their position and the position of their political group when it comes to 100% redress.
We proudly support the Mayo Pyrite Group as we do with other Defective Blocks campaign groups. This government redress scheme is inadequate, dysfunctional and unfair. The families impacted by this scandal deserve justice. We in Sinn Féin have long supported the campaign for 100% redress and will continue to highlight this issue at Oireachtas and EU level until a fair and just redress scheme is put in place.” ENDS
Pictured at the North Mayo Pyrite Meeting in Ballina from Left to Right:
Antonio Cafolla (Ballina LEA), John Sheahan (Swinford LEA) , Donna Hyland (Castlebar), Chris MacManus MEP, Maura ÓSullivan (Castlebar LEA) , Karen Gallagher (Westport LEA) and Una Morris (Ballina LEA)