June 18, 2020
Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael sell out Limerick to cling to power – Maurice Quinlivan TD

Sinn Féin TD for Limerick City Maurice Quinlivan has said that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have chosen to sell Limerick out in order to cling to power, after news emerged that work will not begin on the M20 motorway connecting Limerick and Cork for at least five years.

Teachta Quinlivan said;

“The need for this motorway is immense, as a motorway between Limerick and Cork has the potential to radically alter the region making it more attractive to foreign direct investment and kick starting economic development and delivering jobs to the region.

“This road in particular has been identified as being crucial to achieving a government target of 300,000 jobs for the southern region. 

“Building this motorway is a win-win situation for the government as the spin-off from regional prosperity will enable a reversal of rural decline, urban regeneration and a more equitable spread of prosperity.

“The present road from Limerick to Cork can be quite dangerous and has unfortunately seen a number of fatalities and serious accidents. 

“A report by Indecon International Economic Consultants commissioned by Limerick and Cork Chambers said that the M20 scheme would prevent approximately 118 accidents per annum, which could result in an annual monetary saving of €12.4 million.

“The M20 would facilitate the development of a Cork-Limerick ‘twin-city’ region, which would provide a complement to Dublin in the context of the National Planning Framework. 

“Both Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael campaigned extensively in recent elections over many years to promote this essential piece of infrastructure.

“As recent as this week Fine Gael Minister for Limerick Patrick O’Donovan had said on local radio that the M20 was not sacrificed in the government formations talks.

“It’s clear that Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil have kept true to form by choosing power over prosperity for the people by sacrificing this crucial development in exchange for a Programme for Government that ticks a lot of boxes, but it doesn’t actually commit to doing very much.”

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