Sinn Féin MLA Ciara Ferguson has urged the public to have its say on unfair letting fees.
The Foyle MLA launched a consultation on her Private Members’ Bill which will ban unfair letting fees being charged by landlords or letting agents on Monday.
The proposed legislation will also mandate the Department for Communities to develop guidance for landlords, agents and tenants that sets out clearly the payments which must not be charged to tenants.
Speaking as the consultation went live, the Foyle MLA said:
“For too long, ever-increasing unfair letting fees have been placed on renters when trying to secure a home, often to the detriment of workers and families.
“That’s why I am seeking to bring forward legislation to the Assembly which would see these unfair fees banned, ensuring renters do not face unexpected and unreasonable costs.
“We’re working to make housing more affordable and accessible for all.”
Ciara Ferguson is keen for the public to have its say on the consultation which is open until 12 May, 2025, adding:
“I am keen to hear views on this proposed bill and would encourage people in the north to express their thoughts on what particular fees they feel should be banned.
“I will continue working hard to support and protect renters.”
Note to editor: The link to the consultation can be found here;