April 30, 2024
‘Families will not give up on truth and justice for loved ones’ – Dillon

Sinn Féin MLA Linda Dillon has said tomorrow will represent a ‘day of great shame’ as the British government’s shameful Legacy Act becomes law.

The Mid Ulster MLA said:

“Tomorrow represents a day of great shame – a large number of inquests and hundreds of legacy investigations will be shut down by the British government in an effort to deny families truth and justice.

“This is a cynical and cruel attempt by the British government to cover up the truth and deny justice to families, as demonstrated in the multiple interventions by the British Secretary of State in recent inquests.

“Although families do not want the next generation of their family to carry on the fight for justice, be in no doubt that they will; they will not give up on their campaign for their loved ones.

“The British government’s Legacy Act should be repealed, and the mechanisms agreed at Stormont House implemented without delay.”

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