July 28, 2020
DUP leadership should end silence on anti-Irish language insults – Hazzard

Sinn Féin MP Chris Hazzard has called on the DUP leadership to end its silence on Gregory Campbell’s latest disgraceful attack on the Irish language.  

The South Down MP said: 

“Time and time again Gregory Campbell has been allowed to freely mock and attack the Irish language and identity without consequence. 

“It’s long past time when this type of behaviour and offensive language should go unchallenged.  

“There has been considerable hurt and anger among Irish speakers from all sides of the community at this fresh attack on their native language.  

“In January all five parties, including the DUP, backed the New Decade, New Approach document which includes a commitment to protect the rights of Irish speakers. 

“Arlene Foster and the DUP should now show leadership and make it clear that this type of grossly offensive anti-Irish commentary is unacceptable.” 

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