June 7, 2021
Dolan welcomes NIPSA endorsement of the Irish Language

Sinn Féin workers’ rights spokesperson Jemma Dolan MLA has welcomed the decision by NIPSA to recognise and promote the Irish Language. 

The passing of motions 101 and 104 at the NIPSA conference will ensure that the Irish language is put on an equal footing in terms of communication to members and that placards for industrial disputes will also include the Irish Language.

Jemma Dolan said:

“I warmly welcome the passing of these motions by NIPSA members and the endorsement that has been given to Irish Language by this trade union.

“The Irish language belongs to all of us and these motions enshrine the role of the language in civic dialogue and industrial relations.

“Giving workers’ representatives the opportunity to communicate workers’ rights issues through the medium of Irish is a really progressive step and I hope that other unions will follow suit and ensure that the Irish Language is displayed in campaigns for better rights and entitlements for workers.” 

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