February 14, 2022
Condolences expressed following the death of Welsh Language Commissioner Aled Roberts – Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD

Tugann Aengus Ó Snodaigh ómós d’Aled Roberts

Rinne Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, urlabhraí Gaeilge, Gaeltachta, Ealaíon agus Cultúir, comhbhrón thar cheann Sinn Féin le pobal labhartha na Breatnaise agus go háirithe le clann, cairde agus comhghleacaithe oibre Aled Roberts, Coimisinéir Teanga na Breataine Bige atá imithe ar shlí na fírinne.

Dúirt an Teachta Ó Snodaigh:

“Fear fuinniúil, cairdiúil agus spreagúil ab é Aled Roberts a chuir dóchas agus uailmhiain ag croílár a chuid oibre mar Choimisinéir Teanga don Bhreatain Bheag, agus a bhí flaithiúlach lena chuid ama agus a chuid smaointe fiú agus é tinn.

“Is mór an trua gur thar Zoom agus nasc físeáin amháin a bhí an deis agam casadh air, ach níor lig sé do chonstaicí na paindéime bac a chur air cabhair agus comhairle a thabhairt cibé caoi agus gurb fhéidir leis. Léim an grá a bhí aige don Bhreatnais amach tríd an scáileáin agus ba léir go raibh an-suim aige freisin tacú le hiarrachtaí cearta teanga a chur chun cinn in Éirinn bunaithe ar na héachtanna bainte amach aige agus ag a chomhghleacaithe i ngluaiseacht na teanga ansin.

“Bhuail mé leis go fíorúil don chéad uair mar urlabhraí an pháirtí ag lorg a chomhairle maidir le córas na gcaighdeán teanga a bhí ag éirí go breá leo faoina riar, agus an rialtas agus an fhreasúra maraon ag súil leis an múnla céanna a chur i bhfeidhm anseo.

“Ba mhór an chúnamh a bhí ann labhairt le saineolaí gníomhach agus díograiseoir teanga mar é, agus bhí mé fíorbhuíoch mar Chathaoirleach fáilte a chur roimhe chun comhairle a thabhairt ar Chomhchoiste Oireachtais na Gaeilge, na Gaeltachta agus Phobail Labhartha na Gaeilge i mí Meán Fómhair na bliana seo caite.

“Chuir Teachtaí Dála agus Seanadóirí ó gach páirtí agus neamhspleách an-suim sa méid a bhí le rá aige agus muid ag triáil Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla a fheabhsú ag an am, agus is cinnte go raibh tionchar ag a chuid comhairle ar forálacha atá anois mar dhlí sa stát seo a threisíonn cearta teanga an duine. Chomh maith le lucht labhartha na Breatnaise, bainfidh Gaeilgeoirí ní hamháin sa lá atá inniu ann ach sna glúnta amach romhainn tairbhe óna ionchur.

“Ba mhaith liom mo chomhbhrón a dhéanamh lena chlann, Llinos, Ifan agus Osian, a mháthair agus a dheirfiúir, agus leo siúd go léir a bhí ag obair leis thar na blianta in Oifig an Choimisinéara Teanga agus sa Senedd.

“Gyda chydymdeimlad dwys yn eich colled trist. Ní bheidh a leithéid arís ann.”



Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD pays tribute to Aled Roberts

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Gaeilge, Gaeltacht, Arts and Culture, Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, has expressed condolences on behalf of the party with the Welsh-speaking community, and in particular with the family, friends and work colleagues of Aled Roberts, the Welsh Language Commissioner, on his passing.

Teachta Ó Snodaigh said:

“Aled Roberts was an energetic, friendly and inspiring man, who put hope and ambition at the heart of his work as Language Commissioner for Wales, and who was generous with his time and with his ideas even when sick.

“It is a great pity that I only had the opportunity to meet him over Zoom and video link, but he didn’t let the obstacles of the pandemic stop him from providing help and advice in any way he could. The love he had for the Welsh language leapt out through the screen and it was clear that he was also keen to support efforts to promote language rights in Ireland based on the achievements he and his colleagues had made in the language movement there.

“I met with him virtually for the first time as spokesperson for the party looking for advice on the language standards that were functioning so well under his stewardship, as both government and opposition were united on hoping to implement that model here.

“It was a great help to get to speak with an expert so dedicated to language activism, and I was very grateful as Chair to welcome him to give advice before the Oireachtas Joint Committee on the Irish language, the Gaeltacht, and the Irish speaking Community in September last year.

“Dáil Deputies and Senators from all parties and none took great interest in what he had to say as we were trying to improve the Official Languages Act at the time, and it is certain that his advice influenced provisions that are now law in this state strengthening language rights. Along with Welsh speakers, Irish speakers, not only today but for generations to come, will benefit from his input.

“I would like to express my sympathies with his family, Llinos, Ifan and Osian, his mother and his sister, and with all those who worked with him over the years in the Language Commissioner’s Office and in the Senedd.

“Gyda chydymdeimlad dwys yn eich colled trist. We shall not see his like again.”

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