February 28, 2020
Concerns raised about ‘K District’ programme on Virgin Media

Dublin West Sinn Féin TD Paul Donnelly has expressed concerns over the depiction of Dublin West by serving Gardai in the ‘K District’ programme that is being aired next week on Virgin Media.

Deputy Donnelly said:

“I have seen the trailer for this programme and I’ve listened to the Gardaí describe the area as ‘absolutely mental’, ‘half mad’, and one member even talking about ‘being dropped in Beirut’.

“Another Garda member described it like ‘being in the Wild West’.

“I’ve had communications from residents in Dublin West who are angry with the Garda Siochána being involved in a programme like this and the offensive manner in which they describe our community. 

“I’ve spent the last six weeks walking and canvassing throughout Dublin West, and I have lived here for the past 25 years, and I do not recognise the place that they are talking about. 

“Of course there are problems with some areas and there are serious issues in relation to crime, drugs, antisocial behaviour and burglaries.

“However the Gardaí management would be better served dealing with those issues at senior level and demanding more resources than participating in a programme that looks set to stigmatise this whole community when only a tiny proportion of that community are involved in criminality.  

“I understand that we have only seen a promo for the programme and I do hope that over the coming weeks there is a much broader and positive view of the community of Dublin West and the area that the K District serves.

“However, what we have seen so far is hugely disappointing.”


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