April 11, 2024
Coagh families have right to truth and justice – Dillon

Sinn Féin MLA Linda Dillon has once again called on the British government to repeal the shameful Legacy Act. 

Speaking after findings from the Coagh inquest were delivered, the Mid Ulster MLA said:

“The Coagh families will now have to decide the next steps in pursuit of truth and justice for their loved ones. Sinn Féin will support them in their efforts. 

“The British government’s cruel Legacy Act will close down inquests such as this one in just a matter of weeks. This shameful act is a flagrant breach of international human rights law and it should be repealed now.

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Sinn Féin’s Mary Lou McDonald has reached out to the leaders of the Social Democrats & Labour, and other progressives.

Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael forming a government would be the worst outcome for the country!

Our team will meet on Wednesday to discuss next steps. @EOBroin

Mary Lou McDonald in contact with leaders of Social Democrats and Labour - @EOBroin

“The numbers are there for Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael to form a government together. This would be the worst possible outcome for the people of the country.”

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