Sinn Féin spokesperson on Agriculture Claire Kerrane TD has called for a clear and definite time-frame for the completion of the Department of Agriculture’s investigation into abuse of horses at the Shannonside Foods’ abattoir as shown on Prime Time Investigates last week.
Raising the issue in the Dáil today, Teachta Kerrane said:
“We were all horrified at the horrific abuse of horses shown on Prime Time Investigates last week.
“I welcome the shutdown of the abattoir and the investigation now underway.
“However, on said investigation, many of us will remember similar abuse of calves in marts highlighted on Prime Time Investigates last July, there was a similar outcry at the abuse shown at that time, and I have been seeking updates on that investigation since.
“I have learned this morning from a reply to me from Minister McConalogue that the investigation into that abuse is still ongoing and that the Department are still “gathering evidence” almost a year later.
“This begs the question how long will the investigation into the latest animal welfare abuses take. Will the Department still be gathering evidence this time next year?
“When it comes to animal welfare abuses, we need to see timely and prompt investigations with a clear outcome and clear actions as well as consequences. Otherwise, where is the accountability?
“I am calling on the Minister to provide a clear and definite time-frame on the current ongoing investigation. I presume he has given those leading the investigation within his Department a time-frame for completion of that work, he should share that.”

June 19, 2024
Clear and definite time-frame for completion of investigation into abuse at Horse Abattoir needed – Claire Kerrane TD