Sinn Féin spokesperson on Children, Disability, and Equality, Claire Kerrrane TD, has called on Minister Foley to deliver on the promises made, and broken, by her predecessor.
Deputy Kerrane was responding to the latest annual report card published by the Children’s Rights Alliance today.
Teachta Kerrane said:
“It is disappointing to see that in half of all areas examined, there was a deterioration of the grades on the year previous. Even more worryingly, there was a doubling in the number of areas receiving an ‘E’ or ‘unacceptable’ grade, while almost one in three of all the areas examined have experienced a deterioration from their 2021 grade.
“Ireland is a wealthy state, but too many of our children and young people do not feel the benefit of this.
“We have a budget surplus of €8bn, yet child poverty and homeless figures continue to soar, children continue to languish on waiting lists for essential therapies, and countless more children cannot access the basic supports they need to ensure a happy and safe childhood – something no child should miss out on.
“The experiences of childhood last a lifetime, and it is simply unacceptable that children and young people already on the fringes have been further marginalised by the lack of government ambition.
“This report card must serve as a wakeup call for government.
“Minister Foley must learn from the failures of her predecessors and quickly show leadership at government level to match promises with action.
“It’s time for the government to step up and deliver the investment and support our children and young people desperately need.
“Children deserve action – not more lip service.”