October 21, 2020
Children’s Minister has last chance to respect the wishes of mother and baby homes survivors – Kathleen Funchion TD

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Children, Kathleen Funchion TD, has urged Children’s Minister Roderic O’Gorman to respect survivors’ wishes and ensure the Mother and Baby Homes records are not sealed for thirty years.

Speaking this morning ahead of a Dáil debate on the issue later today, Teachta Funchion said:

“The way that this Government has attempted to rush through the Mother and Baby Homes Bill is nothing short of disgraceful.

“Survivors, their families, their legal representatives and their advocates have been understandably deeply distressed by the appalling way in which their wishes have been disregarded.

“It is not right for their testimonies to be sealed for thirty years. They have been brave to speak out and share their stories. We must ensure their stories are heard.

“I am once again urging the Minister to do the right thing and put a stop to this unfair and indefensible Bill today.

“The amendments submitted go nowhere near far enough and they fail to address the major issues at the heart of this injustice.

“I am sure that the Minister could not in good conscience see survivors’ distress and trauma added to in this way. It is not too late for him to do the right thing.

“Today I am urging him to ensure that survivors’ voices are at the centre of his approach. He must listen to their objections in a respectful and compassionate way.”

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