March 30, 2023
‘Children and young people paying price for savage Tory Budget cuts’ – Sheehan

Sinn Féin MLA Pat Sheehan has said savage Tory cuts to vital support for children and young people in our schools are totally unacceptable.

Speaking after the Department of Education confirmed that Holiday Hunger Payments, the Happy Healthy Minds and ENGAGE programmes will be axed, the party’s education spokesperson said:

“It’s totally unacceptable that vital support for children in our schools will be slashed as a result of savage Tory cuts to the Budget.

“Payments to ensure children don’t go hungry over school holidays and programmes to assist young people with mental health and learning support will be lost.

“It is totally unacceptable that our public services have been left at the mercy of an unadulterated Tory Budget from London and our children and young people are now clearly paying the price.

“And it is outrageous that our school leaders have only been given one day’s notice from the Department of Education that these programmes will be cut with no time to prepare for the destructive impact this will have.

“The Executive must be restored now, with parties working together, to support our children and young people and our public services from the cruel Tory cuts.” 

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