November 21, 2023
Bryson scheme highlights need for workers and families to be supported through cost of living crisis – Reilly

Sinn Féin MLA Aisling Reilly has said Bryson’s energy payment scheme highlights the need for workers and families to be supported through the cost of living crisis.

The West Belfast MLA said: 

“The unprecedented demand for Bryson’s energy payment scheme highlights the pressure workers and families face in our communities as a result of the cost of living crisis, and 13 years of Tory austerity. 

“We have dealt with hundreds, if not thousands, of cases in our offices during this timeframe and have worked to support as many people as possible so they could access support from this scheme.

“There are still hundreds of cases that our offices have not been able to get processed as Bryson limited the amount of referrals that could be submitted on a daily basis. We have raised this issue with Bryson.

“The scale of this demand is yet another example of why we need local ministers taking decisions to support families through the deeply challenging cost of living crisis.

“We need the Executive restored now and all parties working together to support hard-pressed ordinary people through the cost of living crisis. Workers and families cannot wait any longer.

“Bryson has advised the scheme will temporarily pause all referrals from today and people are advised to email [email protected] if they have any queries.” 

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