June 13, 2023
British government should listen to victims and survivors and scrap cruel legacy bill – Finucane

Sinn Féin MP John Finucane has criticised the flawed British government’s Legacy Bill and said it should be scrapped. 

The North Belfast MP was speaking after meeting with Steve Baker along with party colleagues Francie Molloy MP and Mickey Brady MP. 

John Finucane said: 

“Today we met with Steve Baker and told him that the British government need to scrap their flawed Legacy Bill. 

“The bill shows a blatant disregard for victims and their families and their right to access truth and justice.   

“Its proposed amendments are not in full compliance with the British government’s obligation under the European Convention on Human Rights.  

“We told him that the new timeframe for concluding inquests by May 1st next year is cruel, heartless and unprecedented and will make it more difficult for families to have this most basic investigation into the killings of their loved ones.  

“This will effectively close the door in the faces of families looking to make progress in a large number of inquests, given the backlog in disclosure by the PSNI and its failure to put resources into this work.  

“Instead of rushing through this bill the British government should listen to the victims and survivors and scrap their cruel bill. 

“The Irish government also needs to stand up to this unilateral action by the British government and call for the legacy mechanisms agreed at Stormont House by the two governments and political parties in 2014 to be implemented in a human rights’ compliant manner.”

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