August 21, 2020
Boylan calls on ministers to provide clarity on school transport arrangements

Sinn Féin MLA and Infrastructure spokesperson Cathal Boylan has called on the ministers for Education and Infrastructure to provide clarity to schools and transport providers on arrangements for a return to school.

The Newry and Armagh MLA stated:

“As schools are preparing to reopen across the north, clarity is required over school transport.

“This includes what arrangements are present at bus depots for ensuring guidelines are observed at the beginning and end of each journey.

“Appropriate support and guidance for private operators on school runs, such as bus and taxi drivers, should also be provided at this time.

“Furthermore, the ministers for Education and Infrastructure should be fully exploring ways to increase the number of buses available for school runs across the north.

“This additional capacity could allow for social distancing to be better followed on school journeys, while possibly generating work for private operators who have been hard hit by the pandemic.

“Lastly, If the ministers are serious about encouraging alternative ways for students to get to school, such as walking and cycling where feasible, then they should be looking at launching campaigns and different schemes that could help with this.

“I will continue to hold these departments to account. As parts of society begin to re-open we must be vigilant as ever and ensure public health guidelines are followed to the best of our ability.”

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