September 10, 2020
Archibald calls for a halt at Ballykelly as part of Coleraine to Derry train line upgrade

Sinn Féin MLA Caoimhe Archibald has called for a halt at Ballykelly to be included in phase 3 of the upgrade of the Coleraine to Derry train line.

The East Derry MLA said:

“The Infrastructure Minister announced an updated feasibility study for phase 3 of the Coleraine to Derry train line earlier in the summer. This provides the opportunity to include a stop at Ballykelly, therefore I have asked the Minister if she will include this in the feasibility study.

“We are all aware of the challenges we face in tackling the climate emergency and transport has a key role within any plans.

“There needs to be adequate public transport infrastructure to ensure people have the opportunity to make it their first choice for travel.

“A halt at Ballykelly would be a positive addition to the Coleraine to Derry line.

“The Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs headquarters, a key hub of the civil service, is located in Ballykelly and a train halt would provide the opportunity for staff to use public transport to travel to work.”

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