Executive confirmation of a multi-million package for Derry has been warmly welcomed by Sinn Féin MLA Martina Anderson as ‘transformative for the entire north west region’.
The Foyle MLA was commenting after the Stormont Executive today confirmed match-funding for Derry’s planned City Deal and Inclusive Growth Deal.
“This is a hugely positive day for the north west and represents the culmination of a great deal of work over the last number of years,” Martina Anderson said.
“Confirmation of the match funding means we now have a package of £210 million between the City Deal and Inclusive Growth Deal.
“This package will be transformative for the entire North West region and required the collective attention and action of the Executive, both governments and other partners.
“Following years of unrelenting Tory austerity which has deprived Derry, Strabane and the wider region of much-needed public services and investment, we can see the clear benefits of having a local Executive in place.
“Crucial to this has been the role of Sinn Féin Finance Minister Conor Murphy and his determination to ensure that this administration redresses regional inequalities by investing where it is required.
“While we will always have much to do, particularly in the face of a global pandemic crisis, this funding and last week’s rescue package for City of Derry Airport will be central to our economic recovery when the crisis has ended.
“It will also be fundamental to ensuring we realise the vast economic potential of the entire north west region in the longer term.”