April 28, 2022
An Bord Pleanála must make a full statement on conflict-of-interest allegations – Eoin Ó Broin TD

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Housing Eóin Ó Broin TD has called on An Bord Pleanála (ABP) to make a full statement on the potential conflict-of-interest allegations that have emerged about a board member in media reports in The Ditch and The Examiner.

Teachta Ó Broin said:

“A number of allegations have emerged in relation to the potential conflict-of-interest concerns about a board member of An Bord Pleanála (ABP) in the media.

“This is a very challenging period for the work ABP, in large part caused by conflicts between local and national planning rules, arising from decisions of previous Ministers.

“It is therefore deeply unfortunate that ABP have not responded comprehensively to these allegations and have not issued a full and frank statement about the serious allegations that have been made.

“In order for ABP to fulfil its functions it must have the confidence of the public. The allegations and the lack of response from ABP to date is undermining public confidence in that work.

“I have written to Chair of ABP today asking him to urge ABP to make a full and comprehensive statement regarding the potential conflict of interest issues raised.

“It is not tenable for ABP to refuse to respond to the detailed issues raised in reports from both The Ditch and The Examiner and a comprehensive response to all of these allegations must be placed in the public domain as a matter of urgency.

“I have also written to Minister O’Brien asking him to ensure that the review of the he has commissioned covers all the potential conflict of interest allegations made and that the Minister will share his findings with the relevant opposition spokespeople as soon as possible.”

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