October 17, 2019
Additional public engagement events needed for consultation on Dormant Accounts Funding allocation – Rogan

Sinn Féin spokesperson for the Community and Voluntary Sector Emma Rogan has called on the National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF) to provide additional public engagement events during its consultation process on the allocation of Dormant Accounts Funding (DAF).

The release of the funding from dormant accounts will provide an injection of £16 million for Community and Voluntary Sector. 

“Having advocated for such a process I welcome the NLCF’s decision to launch a public consultation on a Dormant Accounts Fund, which will consider eligibility criteria and themes associated with the fund.

“However, it is concerning that only four public engagement events are being held for community groups across the north.

“Smaller organisations in some areas will have a limited opportunity to attend these scheduled engagements and may not have the capacity to facilitate their own engagement events in their locality.

“Community groups in the areas of South Down, North Antrim and West Tyrone in particular appear to be disadvantaged with no public engagement events scheduled there.

“I will be writing to the National Lottery Community Fund to request additional public engagement events so that community groups across the North have an equal opportunity to have their voices heard on the development of Dormant Accounts Funding.

Sinn Féin will also be making our own submission to this consultation and we will be engaging with community groups through the process.”

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