Sinn Féin MEP for Ireland South, Kathleen Funchion, has welcomed the recognition of the role of carers in society in a European Parliament.
MEP Funchion was speaking after a vote in the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, where MEPs voted the parliamentary report of the European Semester: employment and social priorities for 2025, of which MEP Funchion is lead negotiator for the Left group.
MEP Funchion said:
“Carers play a unique role in society. Their work assists elderly and vulnerable people throughout our communities to actively participate in society. They offer comfort and security, and often they do this informally without proper remuneration.
“According to a European Parliament briefing from September 2022, the care sector across the EU employs 6.4 million people formally and about 44 million people provide informal to family and friends. 90 % of whom are women.
“Their work needs to be recognised and Member States should remunerate them for their work and solidarity they show to their families and communities.
“That is why I welcome the passing of some of my amendments to the European Semester Report calling for recognition for the unique role of carers in our society. It is my hope that this will help us advance the case for proper remuneration for our carers.”