June 24, 2024
Unions consulting teaching support staff on pay resolution ‘positive development’ – Sheehan

Sinn Féin MLA Pat Sheehan has said news that unions will consult teaching support staff on a pay resolution is a positive development.

The party’s education spokesperson said:

“News that a number of trade unions representing teaching support staff will consult with workers on a resolution on fair pay is positive.

“Sinn Féin has been resolute in trying to find a way forward to ensure these workers get the fair pay they deserve and I welcome the positive engagement between the finance minister and education minister to get to this point.

“Teaching support workers are the heartbeat of our schools and providing a first-class education to our children, their work must be valued.

“While we await the response from workers and unions over the time ahead, we are all hopeful that a fair pay settlement can be delivered to these workers.” 

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