January 26, 2021
Sinn Féin stand in solidarity with Indian farmers – Hazzard

Sinn Féin MP Chris Hazzard has extended solidarity to Indian farmers and workers who continue to mobilise against repressive anti-worker laws.

The South Down MP said: 

“Indian Prime Minister Modi is using the pandemic as cover to introduce draconian anti-worker laws which not only extend the working day from 8hrs to 10hrs – but also dismantle agricultural price controls, cuts farmers’ subsidies and shatters traditional public distribution systems which have been fundamental to the way of life in rural India for centuries. 

“In response more than 250million people took to the streets in November in what became the world’s biggest ever general strike. 

“That coalition of trade unions, progressive political parties, farmers, doctors, students and tens of millions of healthcare workers continue to mobilise against Modi’s regressive regime in an effort to stop the slide into increasingly exploitative working conditions. 

“Today, on the 26th January – India’s Republic Day – farmers and agricultural workers have descended on Delhi in tractors as pressure continues to mount against Modi and the ruling BJP to reverse the attack on workers. 

“Sinn Féin will continue to stand in solidarity with Indian farmers and workers against the repressive right-wing regime of Modi, and we call on the international trade union movement to continue to rally behind those in India who are actively resisting a slide into increased marketization, deregulation and precarious work.”

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